Company Name Contact Info Location
109156, Polyboiarova St.23/3, 163 / / Moscow / RUSSIA (RUSSIAN FED.)
Contact Info: +7 965 321-48-72
Hall: 5
Stand: 512D
Product Groups
  • Robotic Technologies and Automation
  • General Laboratory Devices and Systems
  • Medical Laboratory Products and Technologies
  • Clinical Laboratory Supplies and Equipment

Celly automates lab microscopy with AI. Our device consists of an iPhone and robotized stage. The modules connect to a microscope and turn it into a digital slide scanner. AI-microscope analyzes slides with neural networks and stores reports in the cloud. The solution reduces staff costs by 90% for microscopy departments.


Celly automates lab microscopy with AI. Our device consists of an iPhone and robotized stage. The modules connect to a microscope and turn it into a digital slide scanner. AI-microscope analyzes slides with neural networks and stores reports in the cloud. The solution reduces staff costs by 90% for microscopy departments.

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