Company Name Contact Info Location
Block E, Longwei Square, Jitong East Road, Fengtai District, Beijing / / / CHINA
Contact Info: +86 136 8306 6658
Hall: 7
Stand: 738A-3
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Gobroad Healthcare Group has always adhered to the principle of patient s need come first, aiming to pursue excellent diagnosis and treatment, breakthrough innovative technologies, and create possibilities for life as its mission and vision. The group focuses on clinical diagnosis and treatment, clinical research, reference laboratories, and informatization, working together with a group of top medical experts with rich clinical experience and research capabilities to build a unique Academic Leadership Clinical Research Organization (ARO model). Founded in 2017, the group prioritizes clinical diagnosis and treatment, clinical research, reference laboratories, and informatization. Together with medical experts who have rich clinical experience and research capabilities, the group has created a unique Academic Research Organization (ARO). The organization s strategy is to build an innovative medical ecosystem that spans clinical discovery, basic research, industrial transformation, and clinical application, thereby enhancing the efficiency and quality of the biopharmaceutical industry s development. Research hospitals are an essential carrier of the ARO model, and Gaobo Group is a pioneer of the research hospital model in China. Currently, it operates 7 hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, with a total of nearly 1500 beds available. The group focuses on innovative and active specialties such as solid tumors, hematological diseases, and neuroscience. It has established Phase I clinical trial wards, central laboratories, early clinical research centers, clinical pharmacology, medical and statistical services, and other professional service sectors.

Healthcare serviceHealthcare service

Healthcare service for CAR-T cell therapy for hematologic malignancies.

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