Company Name Contact Info Location
Arany János u. 55. / / Debrecen / HUNGARY
Contact Info: +36 20 922 0020
Hall: 8
Stand: 824A6
Product Groups
  • Monitors and Imaging Systems
  • Medical Device Certification Inspection and Quality Assurance

Hand Hygiene Matters the Semmelweis Hand Hygiene System Key element of infection prevention strategy in hospitals is strict hand hygiene compliance. The Semmelweis System helps to improve hand hygiene technique of clinical staff by training and education, supports behavioral change and keeps awareness on hand hygiene high. The Semmelweis Scanner is a state-of-the-art, evidence-based solution to provide objective visual feedback on users hand sanitizing technique. It combines AI-enhanced technology and human nudging/gamification with high-level user experience and integrates easily into the clinical routine. It helps reduce time and cost for infection prevention, can be integrated into existing databases and is compatible with most common hospital information systems.

Semmelweis Hand Hygiene Scanner

State-of-the-art educational and monitoring tool to improve hand hygiene technique of healthcare workers.

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