Company Name Contact Info Location
12A Levashovsky Ave., St. Petersburg / / / RUSSIA (RUSSIAN FED.)
Contact Info: +7 812 334-49-39
Hall: 5
Stand: 511A
Product Groups
  • Monitors and Imaging Systems
  • Operation Equipment Devices and Operation Room Equipment
  • Emergency Room Products Devices and Systems
  • E-Health Mobile Health Services Wireless Technologies Telemetry and Tele Medical Services
  • Components Equipment Technologies and Services for Laboratory and Biotechnology Devices and Products

Medical Visual Systems is a Russian company that develops innovative solutions for high-tech medicine. The company offers a line of turnkey solutions and products in telemedicine and integrated / smart operating rooms, which are based on in-house software for OR workflow management, video management inside and outside the OR, creation of video archives of the surgeries, etc. For the moment the company has created its own research and production base, relying on the accumulated knowledge and innovative solutions, as well as the best practices to implement high-tech products; is actively developing and enhancing the MVS products; introduces new high-tech products to meet the needs of clinicians and hospital administrators; has filed for patents to support a number of its own developments in telemedicine; is implementing projects in line with the action plan of the Government of the Russian Federation for the development of telemedicine.


The integrated operating room is an ergonomic solution for the comfortable work of surgeons and operating teams, created to improve the efficiency of operating rooms and for the safety of doctors and patients Functionality: -Video management: distributing video streams across monitors in the operating room for a comfortable workflow -Quick access to patient data: diagnostics, patient history, electronic medical records -Timers and stopwatches with video recording of starts and stops -Rewind for viewing previous frames without interrupting the current recording -Capturing snapshots and short video clips for quick export of key moments -Intuitive gesture control, taking into account glove use -Creating markers for labeling stages and events

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  • MVS