Company Name Contact Info Location
198097, Ogorodniy pier. 23, St. Petersburg / / / RUSSIA (RUSSIAN FED.)
Contact Info: +7 931 107-20-12
Hall: 5
Stand: 513D
Product Groups
  • Physiotherapy Rehabilitation and Therapy Products Devices and System

Company Vitafon, founded in 1996 in St. Petersburg, Russia, offers unique physiotherapeutic solutions for maintaining health and active longevity, proven effective through numerous studies and years of practical application. The company specializes in the production of medical vibroacoustic devices that provide local stimulation of the body with mechanical microvibrations of continuously changing sound frequency within the audible range. This vibroacoustic impact penetrates to a depth of 7-10 cm, improving microcirculation of substances in the body s tissues, promoting regenerative and metabolic processes. It does not cause habituation but provides a long-lasting effect. Vitafon product range has a broad spectrum of application, including musculoskeletal disorders, injuries, neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, urological problems, hepatitis, and other health issues. Vitafon devices can be used both in medical institutions and at home. Today, the company s products are certified in the European Union and exported to EU and CIS countries. The effectiveness and safety of using physiotherapeutic Vitafon devices is proved by vast clinical experience. Here are some highlights 1. Economically beneficial In the treatment of fractures, bone consolidation occurs much faster and the period of disability is reduced. Regular courses of vibroacoustic therapy reduce respiratory infections, lowering the risk of complications through the normalization of interferonogenesis. In chronic hepatitis B and C, therapy allows achieving biochemical and virological remission. 2. Improving quality of life When treating spine and joint diseases, faster regression of neurological symptoms is observed, along with a decrease in pain intensity and an improvement in mobility. This results in an expanded range of movements that individuals are comfortable to perform without pain. In case of chronic cerebral ischemia, there is an improvement in cerebral hemodynamics, resulting in enhanced memory, the development of stability in the Romberg s pose, and a reduction in the manifestation of symptoms of Parkinson s disorders. 3. Amazing results Vibroacoustic stimulation of spine increases the concentration of stem cells in the blood, and when targeting the area of pathology (as observed in liver cirrhosis) enhances the concentration of stem cells specifically oriented towards the regeneration the affected organ. Vitafon products represent excellent and affordable physiotherapy equipment enabling the attainment of sustainable results in treatment, enhancing the effectiveness of drug therapy, or replacing it (in case of drug intolerance).

Vitafon-TVibroacoustic device

The Vitafon devices are used as an independent means of physiotherapy in the treatment of various diseases (fractures, injuries, bruises, musculoskeletal disorders, etc.) and as an additional means to the main therapy (surgical and drug therapy), which can significantly improve mprove treatment results and prevent disease recurrence. The devices have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, analgesic, trophic and regenerative effects. Physiotherapeutic procedures with the Vitafon devices can be performed independently, no special training is required; during the procedures, when using the Vitafon devices, a pleasant feeling of warmth and vibration is observed. All devices of the Vitafon series can be used as a means of vibroacoustic physiotherapy for the treatment of the above diseases. Carrying out procedures using Vitafon series devices is comfortable and safe. The Vitafon-T device is an innovative physiotherapeutic medical device designed to impact the body using vibroacoustic vibrations. It is equipped with digital display and a timer, which makes its use extremely convenient and effective. The device has a dual vibraphone and four impact modes. The presence of a timer allows you to set the duration of the procedure and ensures automatic shutdown after the procedure is completed. The Vitafon-T device has been manufactured for over 15 years and successfully helps people maintain their health and improve their well-being.

Vitafon-5Vibroacoustic device

The Vitafon devices are used as an independent means of physiotherapy in the treatment of various diseases (fractures, injuries, bruises, musculoskeletal disorders, etc.) and as an additional means to the main therapy (surgical and drug therapy), which can significantly improve mprove treatment results and prevent disease recurrence. The devices have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, analgesic, trophic and regenerative effects. Physiotherapeutic procedures with the Vitafon devices can be performed independently, no special training is required; during the procedures, when using the Vitafon devices, a pleasant feeling of warmth and vibration is observed. All devices of the Vitafon series can be used as a means of vibroacoustic physiotherapy for the treatment of the above diseases. Carrying out procedures using Vitafon series devices is comfortable and safe. The vibroacoustic device Vitafon-5 is an improved model with four dual vibraphones, designed to achieve a more pronounced lymphatic drainage effect. Nine modes of special modulation of microvibration amplitude provide optimal effects on the body. This device operates on a built-in battery, making it convenient for use anywhere. The presence of a convenient storage bag for the device allows for easy and compact storage at home or while traveling. The Vitafon-5 has been in production since 2012 and has already helped many people in maintaining health and improving well-being.

Vitafon-2Vibroacoustic and infrared device

The Vitafon devices are used as an independent means of physiotherapy in the treatment of various diseases (fractures, injuries, bruises, musculoskeletal disorders, etc.) and as an additional means to the main therapy (surgical and drug therapy), which can significantly improve mprove treatment results and prevent disease recurrence. The devices have anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, analgesic, trophic and regenerative effects. Physiotherapeutic procedures with the Vitafon devices can be performed independently, no special training is required; during the procedures, when using the Vitafon devices, a pleasant feeling of warmth and vibration is observed. All devices of the Vitafon series can be used as a means of vibroacoustic physiotherapy for the treatment of the above diseases. Carrying out procedures using Vitafon series devices is comfortable and safe. The vibroacoustic and infrared therapy device Vitafon-2 is a device for phonation with two channels and a diverse set of converters, including: - two dual vibraphones - two infrared emitters - vibroacoustic mattress. It is possible to simultaneously connect two converters, with automatic detection of the connected ones. Vitafon-2 allows adjusting the impact parameters taking into account the weight and height of the person, which increases the efficiency and comfort of the procedure. The device saves the set settings, which simplifies the use and does not require re-entering data for the next use. It is used both in clinical institutions and at home. Vitafon-2 has been produced since 2002 and for many years has been helping people improve their well-being, maintain health, and enhance the quality of life.

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